The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large or A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments. With an introduction, containing the use and benefit of catechizing, the generall grounds of religion, and the truth of Christian religion in particular proved against atheists, pagans, Jews and Turks.

London, Roger Norton, 1650.

Folio. In a contemporary full calf binding with five raised bands and double ruled fillets to boards. A few stains and scratches to boards. Annotations in contemporary hand to verso of title-page. With occassional marginal annotation throughout, otherwise nice and clean. (34), 530 pp. Wanting the portrait.

Second edition of Bishop Andrews’ detailed exposition of the Ten Commandments.

"Andrewes was one the main influences on the formation of a distinctively Anglican theology.  He was one of the Caroline Divines who distinguished Anglicanism both from Roman Catholicism and from the theology of the Continental reformers.  He was a distinguished biblical scholar and one of the translators of the Authorized (King James) Version of the Bible.  Andrewes' preaching was learned and deeply rooted in his experience of faith.  Theology and spirituality were inseparable for Andrewes.  His life is commemorated in the Episcopal Calendar on September 26."  (Carey, Patrick, "Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians).

Order-nr.: 61512

DKK 3.000,00