Gedanken von den Eigenschaften, Wirkungen und Ursachen der Electricität, nebst einer Beschreibung zwo neuer Electrischen Maschinen. (+ Winkler:) Die Eigenschaften der Electrischen Materie und des Electrischen Feuers aus verschiedenen neuen versuchen erkläret, und, nebst etlichen neuen Materien zum electrifisiren, beschrieben. (+ Kratzenstein:) Abhandlung von dem Nutzen der Electricität in der Arzneywissenschaft in einem Schreiben an D.G.F.F. Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage. (3 works).

Leipzig, Breitkop, 1744. (+) Leipzig, Breitkop, 1745. (+) Halle, Hemmerde, 1745. 8vo. Bound in one contemp. hcalf. raised bands. A paperlabel pasted on top of spine. Stamps on the first title-page. An old name erased from title-page leaving a small hole, no loss of letters. (32),168 pp. - (28),164 pp. and 7 (numb. I-VII, the first 3 belongs to the first work, 4 to the second) folded engraved plates, referring to both works !) - 62 pp. a. 1 engraved plate. Internally clean, printed on good paper.

Both works by Winkler first editions. In the first Winkler for the first time shows that the electrical spark ignates alcohol. He also presents his invention of electrical machines. - The work treats "Properties, effects and causes of electricity; two new frictional machines, pp. 10 , 18; size of leather cushion, p. 21; velocity of electrical transmission, p.70, effect of magnet on electrical sparks, p. 63." (Wheeler Gift, No 313).
The second work also contains descriptions of the invented electrical machines and in which for the first time a leather cushion is used, which is pressed against the glass globes by a spring. (Wheeler Gift, No 323, lacking the plates).

Kratzenstein's work is a PIONEERWORK IN ELECTROTHERAPHY. He was the first to use electricity for therapeutical purposes. He details a method of treatment which consists of seating the patient on a wooden stool, electrifying him by means of a large revolving frictional glass globe and then drawing sparks from him through the affected body parts. (Not in Wheeler Gift).

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