(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1934. 4to. No wrappers. In: "Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences", tome 198, No 2. Pp. (129-) 212. (Entire issue offered). De Broglie's paper: pp. 135-138. A stamp to the first page. Disbound.
First apperance of de Broglie's importent paper on antiparticles and the Neutrino of light. The antiparticle having the same mass as another but opposite values for its other properties.
"In a communication dated January 8, 1934 (the paper offered)... de broglie stated that this new particle is an 'antiparticle which is related to (the neutrino) like the positive electron to the negative electron in the whole theory of Dirac'. In this note the terms 'antiparticle' and 'antineutrino' enter physics for the first time."(Pais in "Inward Bound", p. 418).
Order-nr.: 48952