Nouveau Probleme de Mecanique resolu.

(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1746). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in "Mémoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres", 1745, tome I. Pp. 54-70 and with halftitlepage to the section.

First printing of an importent papeer in which Bernoulli gives his solution of the problem of a mass point constrained to slide within a rigid rotating body. His solution was obtained from other principles than Euler, who gave a solution at the same time, obtaining the same result. This paper was translated into German and reprinted in Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exacten Wissenschaften, no. 191.

"The principle of areas and an extended version of the principle concerning the conservation of live force, both of which furnished integrals of Newton’s basic equations, were published by Bernoulli, probably with Euler’s assistance, in the Berlin Mémoires in 1745 and 1748. The principle of areas was used and clearly formulated almost simultaneously by Bernoulli and Euler in their treatments of the problem involving the movement of a tube rotating around a fixed point and containing freely moving bodies.!(DSB).

The Bernoulli paper comes together with LEONHARD EULER "De la Force de Percussion et de sa veritable Mesure. Traduit de Latin" (Percussion and its true measurement), pp. 21-53, but lacking the plate. (Enestroem: E 82). An importent on the forces of percussions.

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