Zur Theorie der Thermoelectricität. (Lorentz). (+) Zur Theorie der Thermoelectricität in metallischen Leitern. (Planck). 2 Papers.

Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1889. Without wrappers as issued in "Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Hrsg. von G. Wiedemann.", Neue Folge Bd. 36, 5. Heft. Pp. 593-768 a. 1 folded plate. (Entire issue offered). Lorentz's paper: pp. 593-624. Planck's paper: pp. 624-643. With htitle and titlepage to vol. 36. Titlepage with a small stamp.

This issue of "Annalen" contains 2 importent papers on thermoelectricity. Planck's paper represents an importent improvement of William Thomson's theory of thermoelectric currents. (Akademie No 15).

Order-nr.: 45455

DKK 1.250,00