(London, J. Nichols, 1778). 4to. Extracted from "Philosophical Transactions", Year 1777. Vol. 67 - Part II. Pp. 816-857 a. 1 folded engraved plate.
First apperance of the Committee's paper, for the greatest part written by Cavendish. He was named the head of the Committee to review the entire body of meteorological instruments, and the Committee included also Heberden, Maskelyne, Aubert, Deluc and others.
"Concurrently with his work on airs Cavendish published several papers on the freezing points of mercury, vitriolic acid, nitrous acid, and other liquids. This work was an extension of his published study of the Royal Society’s meteorological instruments in 1776 (the paper offered), and it drew heavily upon his early knowledge of latent heats."(DSB).
Together with Nevil Maskelyne "Account of a new Instrument for measuring small Angles, called the prismatic Micrometer". Pp. 799-815 a. 1 engraved folded plate.
Order-nr.: 46615