Recherches éxperimentales sur LÉlectricite. Sur la magnétitisation de la lumière et l'illumination des lignes de forces magnétique. (I). § I-III. (1. Series 1-97).

Paris, Victor Msson, 1846. Extracted from "Annales de Chimie et de Physique", 3e Series - Tome 17. Pp. 359-392, three textillustrations. Some scattered brownspots.

First French edition of one of Faraday's most importent papers in which he announced his discovery of electromagnetic induction and hereby also created the first electric generator explained by "lines of force". This is the first Franch edition of the first series of Faradays "Experimental Researches in Electricity".

"In 1821 a series of brilliant researches culminated in the discovery of electromagnetic rotation; in 1831, seemingly out of nowhere, came the discovery of electromagnetic induction and the beginning of the experimental researches in electricity which were to lead Faraday to the discovery of the laws of electrochemistry, specific inductive capacity, the Faraday effect, and the foundations of classical field theory."(DSB).

"Among experimental philosophers Faraday holds by universal consent the foremost place. The memoirs in which his discoveries are enshrined will never ceaseto be read with admiration and delight; and future generations will preserve with an affection not less enduring the personal records and familiar letters, which recall the memory of his humble and unselfish spirit."(Edmund Whittaker in 'A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity' p. 197.

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