On the Ultra-Violet Spectra of the Elements. Part I. Iron (with a map).

(London, Harrison and Sons, 1884). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from "Philosophical Transactions" Year 1883, Volume 174. - Pp. 187-222 a.

First printing. Liveing and Dewar published many papers between 1877 and 1904, attempting to correlate line and bands spectra with atomic and molecular states.

"They noted the contrast between single spectral lines, multiplets, and bands, and they attempted to identify the emitting agents for single, multiplet, and band spectra. They classified great, intermediate, and weak intensities with the spectroscopic series as principal, diffuse, and sharp, respectively. Their studies included the differences between the arc, spark, and flame spectra of metals; the emission spectra of gaseous explosions and of the rare gases; and the effect of temperature and concentration on the absorption spectra of rare-earth salts in solution."(DSB).

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