(Berlin, Haude et Spener, 1756). 4to. No wrappers as issued in "Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres". tome X, pp. 227-295; pp. 296-336.
First printing of two influential and important Euler papers. In THEORIE PLUS COMPLETTE (i.e. A more complete theory of machines which are activated by their reaction to water), Euler's seminal and most in-depth paper on hydraulics regarding fluid driven turbines. Euler goes into the entire theory of his main idea of Recherches sur l'effet d'un machine hydraulique proposée par M. Segner, professeur à Goettingue (E179) in greater generality. He then proceeds to calculate the optimum proportions for his proposed turbine. His treament is so complete that an engineer today could use his calculations to design a turbine.
He opens the paper with the statement that "Having already explained in some reports the effect that the machine projected by Mr de Segner is capable of producing, I here propose to develop the same in greater detail".
In DE LA VARIATION DE LA LATITUDE he is concerned about the variation of latitude of fixed stars and the obliquity of the ecliptic).
See Eneström E222, E223.
Order-nr.: 44264