Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie und Anwendungen. 2 Bde. Zweite umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. (1. Theorie der Kugelfunctionen und der verwandten Functionen. - 2. Anwendungen der Kugelfunctionen und der verwandten Functionen).

Berlin, G. Reimer, 1878-81. Lex8vo. Both volumes bound in a later modest full cloth., spine loose and somewhat worn. XVI,484;XII,380 pp. Internally fine and clean, apart from a few faint brownspots.

Scarce second enlarged edition. "His greatest work, Handbuch der Kugelfunctionen was first published in 1861. The second edition (1878-81) - the offered item - of Heine's book was still a standard compendium on spherical functions well into the 1930's if one considers the the frequency with which it was quoted; that this edition has never been reprinted, however,belies this impression." (DSB).

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