Berlin und Leipzig, Christian Friederich Günther, (1764). Small 4to. Contemp. blue boards, modestly clothbacked later. Wear along edges. Corners bumped. Engraved title-page in rococcostyle and all leaves (text and plates) engraved. (16),126,(6) pp., 62 full-page engravings, with engraved explanatory text on verso. Title-page a bit soiled. On inside upper cover "Denne Bog er taget af en dansk soldat fra en fjendtlig Officier i Slaget ved Fredericia den 6te Juli 1849" (this book was taken from a hostile officer (German) in the battle at Fridericia the 6th of July 1849). A few plates with minor brownspots.
Klaus Jordan, 3837.
Order-nr.: 56222