Opera Omnia ex Recensione Iacobi Grovonii accedit Varietas Lectionis Pearcianae, Graevianae, Davisianae com Siglorum Librorum Argumentis et Indice Rerum Historico Verborumque Philologico - Critico. Cura Io. Augusti Ernesti. (6 volumes. Various editions: 2., 3.).

Halae, 1756-69. 8vo. 6 uniform cont. full vellum with red leather title-labels on backs. Frontispiece in vol.1 and title-vignette on each title-page.

The "Clavis Ciceroniana" is said to be an important contribution to the study of Cicero, and probably the most important part of this work. Brunet II:12.

Order-nr.: 21383

DKK 3.000,00