Bemærkninger over Vegetationen paa de indre Höisletter af Brasilien, især i plantehistorisk Henseende.

Kjöbenhavn, Poppske Bogtrykkerie, 1836.

4to. In recent half calf with gilt lettering to spine. Offprint from "Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter". A nice and clean copy. Pp. (2), 145-188.

Offprint of Lund’s work on the vegetation in Brazil.

Lund is today considered the father of  Brazilian paleontology and archaeology.
He was the first to describe dozens of species of pre-historic Pleistocene megafauna, including the fabled Saber-toothed cat Smilodon populator. He also made the then ground-breaking discovery that humans co-existed with the long-extinct animal species, something which possibly prompted him to terminate his scientific work.
His comprehensive collections are today found at the Danish Natural History Museum in Copenhagen.

Order-nr.: 60470

DKK 2.000,00